Monday, November 22, 2010

One Tri Down, Three More To Go ....

The trimester is over and Thanksgiving is around the corner ! I made it through the class from Hell, it did however affect my "perfect" GPA (I had to brag a little) but at least it is out of sight and out of mind. The class that followed was a purchasing and product identification class. I really enjoyed this class, from our daily task of "shopping at the market" (filling requisition's) to our final project of picking a menu and costing it out. I of course, made it hard for myself and picked a real life menu I really want to produce. It really taught me the other side of the business, the side that most people don't want to deal with or tend to hire accountants for. I mean, math isn't fun for anyone, well unless you are a math geek. But it at least showed me that for the tiny/restaurant/store I have in mind to one day own, that I could handle the finances and day in and day out expenses. Thankfully, Thanksgiving is giving me a much needed break, at least before the next trimester starts. Below are some pictures of some tastings we did in the Product Identification class; Mushroom Tasting, Black Truffle, Cheese Tasting, Fruit Tasting, Dragon Fruit.


  1. so cool! that's a big truffle. The dragon fruit that I've seen has a bright fusia color, but these are white...hmm. interesting.

    I think it's awesome that you've shifted to the culinary world! Woohoo, congrats. Owning a small restaurant is my ultimate goal as well. Best of luck on your culinary adventure :)

  2. L, love it! How exciting to be learning such amazing things...and great job on the GPA! How was the dragon fruit...looks creepy!

  3. ps i want posts of stuff you cook at home. show it all!! ok im done bossing for now.

  4. keep it coming! congrats on completing the fall tri with an awesome GPA! YAYYY!!!

  5. Hey ! Lauren, the outside skin of the dragon fruit is hot pink/ you can kind of see in the background but the inside is white with black seeds, almost like poppy seeds. Megan, it tastes kind of bland but I liked it :)
